Saturday, 13 August 2016

Week 4 - Ihi Wehi

Caroline suggested I look at Tukutuku panels, specifically the Poutama (stairway to heaven) as it reflects the growth of man, striving upwards. This was a good suggestion as the Poutama can represent the striving for education.

She also suggested I look at another way to show neglect instead of showing a student in a classroom and I thought to look at the ugly duckling as it seemed to be the perfect example of neglect and being an outcast.

This poster I used the Poutama Tukutuku pannel idea and put it together with an image of a struggling maori student at the bottom of the poster while a white european student is getting the teachers full attention. I had the Maori student at the bottom of the "stairway to heaven" as to allude to the idea that student is not doing well and needs help and attention. The feedback I got from this was to remove the teacher and white student because it was stating the obvious. The image of the student struggling by itself already alludes to the unconscious bias that teachers have. Also the question marks were also stating the obvious. This idea I was inspired by a Maori artist by the name of Johnson Witehira, in particular his work titled "The land of Tara"

This poster idea I did not like. I feel like the idea of replacing the classroom/student element with an ugly duckling idea didn't work and made the poster look like something different than the idea I want to portray.

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