Thursday, 20 October 2016

Koha Rational


My initial idea for the neighbours day was to have a barbecue and beer night to get people in an apartment complex together. I began to do this by using imagery of beer and crates. I came up with the idea that you would have beer in your emergency kit, using the phrase “Emergency (Kit) Crate" which became my main idea. I played with this idea and put emergency items into a beer crate. How I wanted to visually portray this idea was through photos and illustration traces. 

My website contained similar imagery and i further played with the relationship with beer and emergency with the ‘Get prepared’ page, which contained an image of beer in a glass case that said “in case of emergency break glass”. I also stylised the website by using similar colours, fonts and using a wood texture to highlight certain standout text blocks.

My favourite aspect of this project and also the biggest learning curve for me was designing the layout for the website with the amount of text. 

What I would change would be to put more time in my website than I was able to.

Week 12 - Koha

Session 1.

Last session before hand in/presentation so was the last time to get feedback. This session i got feedback on my website, and got a positive response on the choice of header/footer as i continued with the crate themed look with a wooden texture, also my images with illustrations is appealing before you scroll down to the body text of the website. I met with Lee on Wednesday to go over my website before hand in on Thursday and the things I needed to work on was the body text layout and making it interesting. To do this i used the wooden texture to highlight certain sentences.

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Week 11 - Koha

Session 1.

Interim presentation.
Lee didn't like the thin scratches over the "Kit" text and preferred the lines thicker like in my original concept. Another suggestion was to have items you would need/want in an emergency inside the crates instead of beer and bbq food.

Session 2
This session i got feedback by classmates on different variations on the Emergency (kit) crate text and ultimately decided that red crossing out of the kit text worked better. I also changed the info text to be straight instead of lined up with the floor in the image.

Friday, 7 October 2016

Week 10 - Koha

Session 1. This session I continued to work on my poster, changing the visual style to be less like a collage and more photo based. I removed the existing text on the crate image and added text relating to the event, as was suggested by the tutors. Another suggestion was to add items in/around the crate so i illustrated beer bottles and food to suggest what the event offers.